The fracture points - El Liberal

2022-07-31 21:04:54 By : Ms. Lan Xu

A couple is the product of the interrelation between two people.Something obvious, they will tell me.But this entails a truth that, although it is evident, we must emphasize: they are two people who have different backgrounds, experiences, needs and fears and who seek, through an interaction, which may have different levels, to achieve some type of satisfaction for their needs, their desires and their aspirations, be they physical, psychological, social and/or spiritual, contributing (what is desirable), something so that the other person also finds answers to what they are looking for.This search is carried out under different names that allow the relationship to be accepted, whether at a personal, family or social level, depending on interest, as a relationship allowed for the immediate environment of the individual (an environment that is defined as close by its ability to of influencing in some way people's decisions, although we don't like to say it that way and even less admit it, but we are social beings).Within the relationships that a person can develop, those that interest us today, particularly, are those that entail an intimacy that allows interaction at all levels of the individual.Let's say, therefore, that we are going to take as a relationship model for what we want to explain a relationship between two people (regardless of their gender and sex) that includes sexual life.A relationship that is or seeks to have a dynamic balance.In this context, we can say that every relationship goes through various stages and is consolidated or broken depending on the different internal and external stimuli that people receive over time and the situations they go through.Among these stimuli there are those that favor and those that crack, attack and/or hinder that relationship.It would be logical, then, to think that in order to favor the balance of a couple, positive stimuli or variables should be encouraged and, therefore, avoid, prevent and, if necessary, counteract the latter (let's call these negative variables).When we talk about preventing something, we are talking about using all the antibody production mechanisms that prevent the aggressor elements from harming us.It is known that vaccines have always served to develop immunity against aggressors, that is, they produce these antibodies.In a relationship, the most effective known vaccine is the one that stimulates the ability to develop valid communication systems, since these are the ones that serve to counteract the innumerable aggressive stimuli that people will receive throughout their lives in their relationships.That is, favor systems that allow maneuvers, reduce risks and build serious alternatives to the difficulties that any relationship produces.People, in general, have difficulties in developing these communication systems in such a way that they withstand the aggression that every person receives permanently.This difficulty is also, unfortunately, very common in couples.The reason is quite simple, as people talk they think they know how to communicate and in reality they do not make systematic efforts to improve that communication.Every couple has what we will call fracture points.They are minimal points, in general one could even say that they are details, some even considered insignificant, or perhaps crude, but that each one gives it a particular importance.These points become more fragile when they are percussed without the mediation of communication that allows them to be identified, which could mean that they are protected to prevent a minor stimulus – a drop – from accumulating to the point of producing a definitive rupture.Obviously the other can see it as an oversized reaction, which will only prove that the relationship was not based on good communication.The only way to avoid this is simply the development of healthy communication systems that are the ones that allow valid solutions to each person's personal conflicts.Therefore, it is healthy to ask ourselves, how are we communicating at home?And, even when we quickly answer “good”, insist on the second question: How can we improve this communication even more?There we will be able to make our relationships the good that we always crave.© EL LIBERAL SA (see mobile version) Editorial Director: Lic. Gustavo Eduardo Ick Santiago del Estero / Argentine Republic